
AI Running Gait Platform Ochy Secures €1.7M Pre-Seed Funding and Announces Integration within adidas adiClub Program

AI Running Gait Platform Ochy Secures €1.7M Pre-Seed Funding and Announces Integration within adidas adiClub Program

Khaldon Marathon Journey: Using Ochy to Sharpen My Running Efficiency

Unlock your full running potential! 🏃‍♂️ See how Ochy helped me improve my form, boost efficiency, and crush my first marathon. Read my journey! 🚀

Pelvic Drop in Runners: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Prevent It

Pelvic drop is a key factor in running biomechanics, affecting stride efficiency and injury risk. This article explains its definition, measurement, and importance for athletic performance.

The Most Common Injuries in Runners: How to Prevent Them with Biomechanics

Here, we explore the most common running injuries and how biomechanical insights can help prevent them.

What Happens When You Run? Breaking Down the Gait Cycle with Biomechanics

In this article, we will break down the gait cycle, keeping the biomechanics terms like heel strike and midstance intact, but in an understandable way—even if you are not a scientist.


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2024 in Review: A Fantastic Year for Ochy

Dive into our exceptional year! Discover how Ochy shined in 2024 through groundbreaking innovations, strategic collaborations, and unforgettable moments.

How to Film the Perfect Video for Ochy: 3 Simple and Creative Options

Don't know how to film a good analysis? Discover three simple and creative ways to film the perfect running video for your Ochy analysis !

Transform Your Training with Ochy's Joint Angle Graph!

In this article, learn about the new Joint Angle Graph for Coaches and how it will take your workouts to the next level !

Understanding pronation / supination and why it matters

Pronation is a complex movement of the foot. Understanding your stride and knowing your type of pronation helps identify the areas of the body that need strengthening. The goal is to prevent injuries and optimize your movement for performance.
